What people are saying
“It was the best keynote speaker we’ve had and one of the best that he’s I’ve heard! The students are already asking when you are coming back. No doubt they loved you!!”
“When our students walked into the gymnasium, they were immediately drawn to Dustin. Before his presentation even started, he had the attention of every student and adult in the room. This magnetism lasted the entirety of the 70 minute seminar, taking his audience through a plethora of emotions. From teary eyes, contagious laughter, Dustin opened their minds and hearts to deliver an invaluable lesson about the true gift of life and its possibilities in a gym filled with students so touched, the drop of a pin could be heard throughout. We are so fortunate to have had such a great person to share his experiences with our kids and staff.”
“High energy and very engaging. Dustin genuinely cares for the students which was shown before, during and after each session. Our students were talking about his message and energy during the entire conference and were so excited to go to his workshop after they saw him speak at opening session.”
“For our annual student leadership conference, Dustin was the perfect fit! His message, energy, and winsome personality made him unforgettable to our 300 guests. I continue to hear students refer to his nuggets of wisdom with laughter and reflection.”
“In ten years at Halstead High School I have witnessed our students give only two standing ovations, Dustin received one of them. We had Dustin speak to our high school students, and he was very well received. Dustin spoke from the heart, with energy and passion. I would highly recommend Dustin to speak to any high school or junior high school group!“
“Dustin’s positivity was contagious as he engaged the room with his upbeat and passionate message. As an audience, we held on to his every word, as he made us all feel as if we were a part of his amazing story. His message was a blessing and a reminder of the good that one can create for themselves and others by making the choice to be a better you every day.”
“If you are looking for an inspiring message to get your young people to think, move (and be moved), to laugh, to share, to carry away a meaningful message that will impact others in a positive way – have Mr. Dustin Gaylon come speak at your school…not only will he entertain your student body, he will change the culture of your school and the way in which your kids think about themselves and others. He is the Rock Star for integrity and character education!”
“Dustin Galyon is quickly becoming one of the most influential and impactful speakers in the business. I love referring him to my best clients because I will always get a follow-up call thanking me for suggesting him for their conference or assembly. His presence is powerful, his message in engaging, and he always has that is always uplifting!”
“Dustin Galyon is unique. I have worked full-time in the speaking and training business since 1991 and I have never met another professional who connects so authentically, yet powerfully with the audience before, during and after each program. His work ethic, real desire to help people and communication skills are second to none. Is he one of my best friends? Candidly, I say absolutely. Would I recommend him to you in this exact manner even if he were not? Absolutely.”
“Your presence had a profound impact on our entire school. Thank you so much for spending time with us, sharing your message, and your energy.”
Glad you’re here.
My name is Dustin Galyon and I’m a sucker for a good story. Helping other is something that I love, and speaking is an incredible way to do that. Whether it’s an opening keynote for a high school/state organization, helping educators understand and create avenues to connect with this generation, providing workshops to achieve goals, training business to implement customer service and recruiting strategies, or sharing at a Christian youth retreat, my goal is to encourage, challenge, and change each person I encounter!